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i am a dreamer, an idealist, a creator, an introvert, a thinker, and an all-around neat person...if i do say so myself.

05 May 2007


i was just thinking today that there sure are a lot of fun words.
but they're all fun for different reasons.
some have interesting meanings and make you sound super-intelligent, like misogynistic.
some are fun because they have sounds in them that sound like other words that are nothing like the original word, like condiments.
but then there are the fun words that people rarely have use for and probably don't even know the meaning for, but are oh-so-much fun to say. i have lots of favorite words that fall into this last category, but the reigning word for the moment is phytoplankton. i will probably never have a reason to seriously use this word in a conversation, but that is just a tragedy, because i love how it sounds when i say it.
love it.


alissa j. said...

what the phytoplankton?

escamillaweddings said...


today i like the word posh.

ellieherrity said...

ah, yes.
posh is an excellent word.
cool how an acronym grew up to become it's very own word.

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