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i am a dreamer, an idealist, a creator, an introvert, a thinker, and an all-around neat person...if i do say so myself.

14 February 2008

my date

i hope everyone had a lovely 'singles awareness day'.
let me tell you about mine.

micah and i decided that today would be a good day to drive out to ontario and have a date with Bono. we checked out the website yesterday and decided on the 7pm show.
after work we grabbed some dinner and went on our merry way up the 15 freeway. we got to the theater and by this time were fairly giddy with anticipation. we looked at the board with the show times and could not find U23D. so micah asked one of the workers what the deal was.

'oh, yesterday was the last day we showed that.'

words cannot express the range of emotions that were felt.
it is almost fitting that it happened on this day. considering my history with v-day, it should be no surprise that i was stood up for a celluloid date. i just never imagined that Bono would be the type of guy to flake out on a girl. go figure.

so instead we saw 'atonement'. not at all what i expected. and not really a replacement for what we really wanted to see.
and for the second time today, all i have to say is...poop.


Alyssa said...

You are so funny,I am sorry your day was poop. You are not alone in missing U2 in 3d, it might surprise you to know that it was not showing in Redding! We were so sad to learn we would miss it, sorry you missed it too.

TimB said...

I really wanted to see this too. Now I'll have to wait for the DVD which will not be the same. Aaargh!

ellieherrity said...

well, according to the U23D website, it should be expanding to more theaters and coming back to ontario on the 22nd of this month.

but it was lovely that they took it away just in time for v-day.
i think they were teasing us on purpose...

Jonathan Murtaugh said...

I can say with total sincerity that I was crestfallen when I read your post. Seriously. But I am glad to see your note on these comments that it's coming back and you'll get to see it.

Now, back to our regular progamming.

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