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i am a dreamer, an idealist, a creator, an introvert, a thinker, and an all-around neat person...if i do say so myself.

05 February 2008


here's an interesting development...

for various technical and practical reasons, it was decided by the 'powers that be' that some sort of scouting trip was required before i bravely led 9 students down to mexico.
it was also decided that the actual team leader would be a good choice to send, since the information gleaned would be of most use to me.
so that means that starting on february 21st, i will be trekking down to mexico city for the weekend to check things out.
luckily the excitement is so far masking the abject terror at the prospect of travelling alone in mexico city.
i know it will be a great trip. i'll be able to have an idea of what to do and where things are before i have 9 students in tow. but i just wish i could find the button to turn off the 'what-if' function in my head that always seems to gravitate towards the absolute worst-case-scenario.

everyone's prayers for safe travel are, of course, always welcome.


TimB said...

Just remember:
"Donde esta el bano?"
"Dos tacos, por favor."
You'll be fine.

escamillaweddings said...

aside from tim's great pointers...

remember, my friend, you do not go alone. our Lord goes before you and with you!

and bring me back a sombrero!
or something. :)

brian said...

Not to be an alarmist or anything, but I agree with your initial gut-feeling: Is it really a good idea for a young lady to travel alone to a foreign country? Mission or no, maybe there's a reason that warning bells are ringing in your head. I've been there. When HATB goes, the men are not allowed to leave the hotel unless buddied-up. Why are you being sent by yourself? Request backup. Sorry, Ms. L, just my opinion.

ellieherrity said...

your concerns are warranted and appreciated, brian.

when i say alone, it's mostly that i'm the only one from the school that is going, but i won't really be alone once i get to mexico. someone is meetine me at the airport and taking me where i need to go. i probably won't ever really be by myself. except on the plane. i don't think i would have gone otherwise.

but thanks again for the warning.

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