about me

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i am a dreamer, an idealist, a creator, an introvert, a thinker, and an all-around neat person...if i do say so myself.

11 January 2008


you know how you'll watch a movie, and then a few days later you've almost forgetten about it? but then sometimes you watch a movie and it's still on your mind weeks later? well, the movie once was the latter for me. i just can't stop thinking about it. there was just something about the honesty of the story and the acting that resonated with me.
and then there is the music...i know that glen hansard has been making music for a while, so i'm not discovering anything new here, but the music from this movie was so beautiful. i bought the soundtrack less than a week ago, and i think i've listened to it about 30 times.
no hyperbole.
30 times.
by the time i get to the last track, 'say it to me now', i'm almost in tears. it's not just something you listen to, but something you feel.
i'm not trying to say that everyone needs to go out and rent this movie because you'll love it. you may not. i just wanted to let you all know that i do.


Jonathan Murtaugh said...

I'm a big Damien Rice fan and don't know how I have never heard of Glen Hansard (until now). Wow. I just spent my whole "youtube time" tonight watching and listening to him. Amazing. Thanks for recommending.

ellieherrity said...

my pleasure.
i'm always happy when i know that i've passed on the beauty of another irish musician.

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