about me

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i am a dreamer, an idealist, a creator, an introvert, a thinker, and an all-around neat person...if i do say so myself.

03 August 2008


i came across this article on the BBC news website. this journalist is on a one-month attempt to introduce no new plastic into her life. the current collection of storage containers and various other plastic products are ok, but any new purchases need to be free of plastic.
seems pretty straightforward, right?
far from it.
three days in, and there have been several stumbles.
that disposable paper coffee cup? wait, not just paper, but has a plastic insulating coating.
going shopping for fruit and veg? wait, everything is wrapped in plastic and it is impossible to buy berries packaged in anything but a plastic container.
i'm excited to follow the blog and see how this experiment plays out.

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